The next few weeks will feature my friend and colleague’s Bob Silverstein’s column from Poker Pro Magazine which was originally published late last year. Being mindful, slowing down and knowing the feelings and thoughts that are going on inside yourself is not always easy unless you are in your spa of choice and being led through a relaxing wooing mediation. Bob  became a better poker play as he noticed  his mental, physical and emotional states as he played. I think you will find this thoughts valuable and meaningful. Let me know

Bob is a successful amateur poker play and a season psychotherapist, career coach and crisis consultant. He can be reached at

“Would you be surprised to find out that you can become a better poker player by paying as much attention to what is going on in your head and body as you are to the cards on the table and your competitors sitting around it?   I play mostly no-limit Texas hold’em and my poker knowledge, skill and mathematical ability are just slightly above average. But about two years ago my results started to improve. They improved whether or not the cards got better, seemingly independent of the strength or weakness of my competition.”  more to follow

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